Pioneering Puerto Rican fiscal sponsor leads grass-roots hurricane recovery effort

Pioneering Puerto Rican fiscal sponsor leads grass-roots hurricane recovery effort

In the seven months since Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico, the storms’ wreckage still dominates daily life. Running water, electricity, clear roads and stable buildings remain elusive across the Caribbean commonwealth. But the island’s nonprofit...

Fiscal sponsor’s bold role in removing Confederate statues from New Orleans

    At the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors’ annual meeting, in a cradle of the Confederacy, the Foundation for Louisiana shared the challenges it faced when it stepped in to help New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu “choose a better future” for the city,...

Fiscal sponsor helps veteran filmmaker finance LGBT documentary

Minnesota’s largest school district, Anoka-Hennepin, in 2009 adopted a hands-off policy requiring teachers and staff to “remain neutral on matters regarding sexual orientation” — a follow-up to an earlier school board prohibition on teaching about homosexuality as a...