Docs In Progress

Docs In Progress

8700 First Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 789-2797

Erica Ginsberg
Executive Director

Year organization became a 501(c)(3): 2008
Year of first fiscal sponsorship: 2009
Number of sponsored projects: 6

Fiscal sponsorship fee:
Potential fiscal sponsorees must be members of the Docs In Progress Docs Insider Program ($95 per year), which has other benefits in addition to eligibility to apply to the Fiscal Sponsorship Program. There is also a one-time $50 application fee to apply to the Fiscal Sponsorship Program. Once accepted, fiscal sponsorees are charged a 5% administrative fee for donations and grants received. This rate may be higher for grants with more complex administrative requirements (such as NEA and NEH). There are three regular deadlines per year to apply for Fiscal Sponsorship (February 1, June 1, and October 1). Applicants will be informed within one month of the deadline of whether they have been accepted for Fiscal Sponsorship.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Aligned mission/values: We accept documentary film/video projects only.

Types of projects or services we sponsor:

  • Arts and culture: We accept documentary film/video projects only.

Services we offer projects:

  • Organizational development
  • Other: Docs In Progress also provides other services to documentary filmmakers (for a separate fee where applicable), including work-in-progress screenings, workshops and professional development seminars, and one-on-one consultations. In addition, fiscal sponsorees may participate in all Docs Insiders and Docs In Progress alumni activities.

Based on Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right: Our model(s) of fiscal sponsorship are:

  • Model C, Preapproved Grant Relationship

Organization description:
Docs In Progress is based in downtown Silver Spring, Md., outside of Washington, D.C. Our mission is to give individuals the tools to tell stories through documentary film to educate, inspire and transform the way people view their world. We do this by creating and fostering a supportive community for documentary filmmakers through an array of programs aimed at aspiring and experienced documentary filmmakers and the broader community.